Child custody in Pakistan / Guardianship & Right to Visit.
The Law considers a child as a minor. Who is mentally and physically weak to safeguard his interests, in regard to their person and property. Therefore, the guardian courts takes responsibility to protect the rights of children. Child custody in Pakistan refers to the parents right, to raise and care for, covers the responsibility to take decisions regarding the child. The main responsibility of parent is to take all decisions. Which includes the child’s basic needs of health, education, religious upbringing and welfare.
Primary consideration is the welfare of child.
The love parents have for their children, cannot be measured. It is like no other relationship. Therefore, father or mother of the child or children, can not live without them. They try to get child custody or guardianship certificate of child or children at any cost. In case of custody of a child or guardianship, primary consideration is protecting the child’s interests.
Mother of the minor is considered as a God cradle on earth. Therefore, in most of the case she is awarded to continue the child custody of minors. Especially, where minors are suckling babies. As a result, custody of minor child in Pakistan belongs to the mother. Whereas in some cases custody of minor child is awarded to father. Besides, the guardianship of property and marriage belong to the father but it is not in every case. In Pakistan, there are cases where the guardian court awarded guardianship to the mother.
A parent having custody of child can continue. Unless, there is immediacy of threat to the interest and welfare of child in continuing the custody. There are a few cases of child custody in Pakistan, where custody of minor is shifted from one parent to the other.
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Going through Guardianship or child custody.
If you are going through a child custody, guardianship or guardianship certificate dispute in Pakistan. You should be aware of the basic aspects of Child custody laws in Pakistan. You must have an understanding of how the process works.
What is Guardianship in Pakistan.
Guardianship in Pakistan means the guardian of a child. A guardian is appointed by the guardian court of Pakistan. According to The Guardian and Wards Act, 1890, a guardian is defined in section 4 sub section 2 of the Act guardian. He is the one who takes care of the person’s minor or his property, or both. Therefore, within the Act, guardianship is considered to include the concept of custody as well.
Dispute on rights to visit minor during child custody in Pakistan.
The dispute of child custody or guardianship in Pakistan, start on non legal marriage separation of husband and wife. But after divorce or khula all of theses issues may become practical. Right of child custody turns into in very serious issue. To settle the issue, the child custody laws of Pakistan and the Guardian court gets involved. Neither of the parents want to leave his child due to love and affection.
Major dispute.
One of the major dispute during child custody in Pakistan is visitation of rights. Traditionally, after a divorce or khula husband and wife become worst enemies of each other. Either husband or wife, the custodian, does not allow the right to visit to the other. Right to visit the minor are only granted to the non custodial parent. Therefore, it is bounden duty of Guardian court of Pakistan to grant the right to visit and maintain equilibrium between father and mother.
Personality disorder of child.
Psychologically any disassociation or deprivation of fatherly or motherly love and affection may likely cause split personality disorder. Which is highly injurious to the future and upbringing. Most of the time, during the case of child custody, the guardian court may lay down a visit schedule. Therefore, a parent whose application of interim or permanent custody is dismissed. He is granted the right to visit, and meet his or her minor child once or twice a month, for one or two hours, within guardian court premises.
Types of Custody in Pakistan.
Always hire a qualified child custody Lawyer. Who is an expert family lawyer in Pakistan. Moreover, who is well aware of family and Guardian Laws. There are two basic aspects relating to the Child custody in Pakistan. Firstly, permanent child custody. Secondly, temporary child custody in Pakistan.
Permanent Child Custody in Pakistan.
In this type of child custody case, the minor lives permanently with the one. The father or mother or with any other maternal or parental relative. This kind of child custody in Pakistan is given by the family court. In concern to where the child is living. After the hearing, and with the evidence of the witness court allows the permanent child custody.

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Hizanat in Pakistan (age of child).
As per law, the mother to retain the custody of the male child till age of seven. If the child is female then to age of puberty as prescribed in the Guardian & Wards Act 1890. But, this is not decided. As there are many other grounds, which are considered at the time of permanent custody. For example, the welfare of the minors, second marriage of the mother / father, death of the mother or father. Furthermore, maintenance of the minor, character of the mother or father, wish of the minors are major concerns.
Temporary Child Custody in Pakistan.
The temporary custody of minor is called interim custody. Which is given under section 12 of the Guardian & Ward Act 1890. By the court to any spouse either father or mother, till the decision of the permanent custody case. Generally this kind of custody is given to the mother as she is right for Hizanat and under Islamic law. Mother has the right to get Hizanat. However, father can also apply for this custody on some grounds. Like the absence of the mother. Besides, suckling child custody must go to mother even though her character is doubtful.
Meeting Child Custody in Pakistan.
It is a very rare child custody case in Pakistan. The right of the parents to meet with the minor. Both father and mother apply for meeting with the child. If either one has no custody or guardian court is unable to handover the permanent custody. Moreover, if the case of permanent custody is pending in court. The guardian court can allow any of the parents to meet the child.
Meeting can take place, which the guardian court considers fit, considering both parties. Meeting can occur in the guardian court, at the house of the any party or in the office of a counsel. This meeting can be held after seven days, fifteen days or after one month, the way guardian court may find fit and proper. Besides, on Eid days or in vacations, the guardian court can grant the meeting with the minor for more than one day.
Legal Child Custody in Pakistan.
Legal child custody means having the right and the obligation to make decisions about a child’s upbringing. A parent with legal custody can make decisions about schooling, and medical care etc. This kind of custody is award by the guardian court after the proper hearing of the case. And generally it goes under section 25 of the guardian and Ward Act 1890. As per guardian court decision both the spouse are bound to retain to decision. This legal custody can be given for specific period, like for the specific age of the ward.
If one parent has the child custody.
only one parent is given sole legal child custody. Then the parent can make all decisions relating to the child or children without consulting the other parent. There may be various degrees of custody depending on the nature of case. For example, a parent may have legal custody but they may also have to consult the other parent or to inform prior to any decision being made.
However, it is quite common that one parent will have the decision making authority. In order to, avoid a situation where the parties will become deadlocked and can’t reach a decision.
Illegal Child Custody in Pakistan.
If a mother or father illegally takes the custody or snatches the custody of the minor without the will and wish of the other party or against the guardian court’s decision. This is called illegal custody. And the illegal child custody in Pakistan can be taken back by the guardian court by filing contempt of court or filing habeas corpus Petition, under section 491 in the session court or Honorable High Court. The court will recover the minor and handover to the party who has legal rights for custody.
Advice as Professional Family Lawyer in Lahore.
As a professional family lawyer, I advise that parents should accept, that the needs of a child come prior. Therefore do not make a stand on your wish. Mostly, parents do not want the other parent to take custody. In fact, they fail to look upon their own shortcomings. Emotions can run high in child custody dispute. But the actual decision of child custody case must be based on the facts. Parents should not compare custody cases of other’s that they deem similar.
If a divorce is inevitable.
If there is an inevitable divorce. It is important that parents work out a child custody arrangement first. They should set how the parties will approach child custody and visits. Although the guardian courts can order a custodial arrangement. An agreement reached directly by the parents, is a best chance to work out, rather than being forced by the court.
Assalamalaykum!! I am from Philippine and my husband from Pakistan I am here now in pakistan and my husband he is in dubai to work,I am staying here in Pakistan with ny son now I want to go to Philippine in my country and my husband not allowing me to take my son with me..what should I do?? Can you please give me advise..thank you so much.
You can take your son with you
then how will father meet his child
I am a 23 year of old student, we have four brothers and one sister, my most elder brotger age is 32, there is a issue, that we don’t know how to solve it, My father age is 59 and mother age is almost 50 now they have marital problem due to my father’s personality disorder, and due to his infedality, agression, munipulation and violation my mother doesn’t want to continue this relationship further more she needs khula, how can we help our mother and to whom we shall live, if we want to live with our mother is it possible? What family law says about it tell me in detail.
you all are adults, hence can make your own decisions and neither parents will seek custody of kids, given the age. your sister’s maintenance shall be due on your father up until she gets married. rest of you are responsible for your own maintenance, since ya’ll are sons
Hi I’m pregnant and I’m planning on taking Khula please guide regarding Child custody in such case and can I take khula while in family way??
You can apply khula in family Court and court will pass judgement of khula in your favour but khula will take effect after child delivery. And new born baby will stay with mother.
is wife/women has right to claim expenses after taking khula or what will happen if a husband/man didn’t to leave her please?
After khula wife became ex wife and she claims her maintenance only till iddet period not more than iddet period.
Asslamualikum 3 nabaligh bachyon ka bap fot ho jay to un ki jaydad ka guardian Kon ho ga aur us ko kia ikhtyarat hasil hon gy
1 baby girl born and her father divorced her mother when she was only 4 years old. and she was living with her mother.
her mother got married after 2 years and she started living with her maternal grand mother . Her father got married after 4 months. both parties went to court for custody of minor. After 1 year with concent of both families the family judge gave custody of girl to maternal grand mother and or dered that her father can meet after every 15 days for afew hours. and she cannot stay night with her father.
meeting continued till today.
now the girl don”t want to meet her father. her Age is 14 years.
what law says About this?
If she don’t want to meet father court can’t force her to have meeting with father.
Sister married guardian ho sakty ha for brother is mentally disabled and father died and mother agreed ha nominated karny k lea
Yes 100 percent she can get guardianship in this situation.
Hi I’m pregnant and want to get khula. Do I need to appear before court in khula process?
And how time it takes to get the khula process done?
Hi if u r living in pakistan then u need to appear in court, or if u r parda neeshen lady then you have to appoint attorney.
How i get children custody after divorce e32
This case is about the custody of a child. After getting Khula from the court, the father filed a suit of the custody of the kid ( 6 years daughter ) during one n a half year duration he never paid any expense of her, the kid got scared because of the abusive relationship and did not want to meet her father. As per her mental state mother also does not want her kid to meet with him. She takes care of her child as always, from her studies to basic necessities. The child is now completely settled and starts enjoying her life after 1.5 years of trauma. What could be the decision? On the other hand, the father continued filing suits as he threatened her he would not let her live calmly. He filed a suit of recovery of cash amount, jewelry, etc which is obviously a fake case. The mother is not financially strong enough to stand against all these incriminations. She simply wants to move on and live a peaceful life with her daughter. Is there any solution to this situation?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Wa alikum salam
Mother will have the child custody and father will have visitations rights.
My friend wants to get khula from her abusive husband.He lives abroad.But she is in Pakitan.They have 2 kids.They have 12 years son and daughter is 10 years.She doesnt want to give the kids to him
She will have the kids after khula
how can she get permanent custody of kids above 7 years?
please reply asap
my sister got khula when her daughter was 2 year old. My neice used to meet father for 8 years but when she became 12 year old she started having problem with her father. She is almost 14 now and cries so much not to meet. If we dont take her to court then warrants get issued to produce her but if we take her she cries all the time even remains angry at entire family for days after going to court. When she was small her mother used to make her meet her father but now she is a teenager and refuses but court doesnt listen. Court says its compulsary.
its not compulsory you can challenge the order
The case: husband want to give divorce, but there baby boy is 4 months old only.. due to family circumstances they cannot live together so better option is separation.. I this case Who will get the child custody ? And how long ? And what if she marry someone after that Who will get custody of child? Family background of husband is stable financially and educationally..but mother side is week Both financially and educationally also.. kindly give any advice for father
In this case mother will have custody of minor till mother feed after that you can have chance to get custody.
Hi I have three sons two 7 and one 4.5. My wife is starting aggressive in these days. And she is asking to have a separate hm. It might be difficult to carry on with her. If I give divorce who will get the custody of the children.
A friends wife due to domestic issues went to her mothers house and took the child with her. They are not divorced. However, they fight all the time on calls and messages. Can husband give divorce? What if he also gives the complete rights of child to mother. Can he do that? Also will he need to give maintenance?
Hi. I am a husband residing in America with citizenship. Our daughter is only a few months and is an American citizen. My wife is in Pak wanting to divorce or take khula. Can you please tell me if/how can I get custody of my daughter?
You have to file custody case in pakistan
I have a question about child custody.
My sister is not living with her husband and doesn’t want to go back to her in-laws. My mother lives in the gulf and she wants to travel with her new born. The father of the bay is not giving the original NIC for the baby’s passport hence she cannot travel with her mother. What is the solution to this problem in the law? Does guardianship law apply here?
Yes she have to get guardianship
My friend is divorced and appointed guardian of her 2 kids by the guardian court. She wants to take kids abroad for higher studies.Father of kids is agreed on it.
Written Permission from father is enough or She needs to take permission from the court to take kids abroad ?
She need permission from guardian court.
Court permission required
Salam.. im thinking of taking khula from my husband and i just gave birth to a baby boy 1 month ago. If the custody case happens who will get it? My family is financially strong and father’s family is uneducated and illerate people not financially strong at all.. nor is the father
Minor is new born mother will have custody after divorce
the custody of the minor will remain with you. no need to worry if you need any legal assistance you may call me on 03352331102.
Assalam o alaikum. I want to ask that my brother has given divorce to his wife.They have two children one is a girl 10 years old and a boy 8 years old. Mother don’t have any place to live. She live with his sister and brother in law and with niece of 18 years old. She cannot support herself as well as her children. She is just Matric pass. Father is financially strong. He has all his family members including brother mother father. Now in this case according to Pakistani law and sharia, how can a girl of 10 years can live with his mother in between na mehrums? Is it possible that family court give full custody of his children to his father as mother , her brother in law and 18 years nephew can not be trusted upon.??
Salam. if father is not paying his child expenses from past 4 years and suddenly he sends a notice for custody case. Can he still take child with him for month in holidays or he can meet for some hours?
I have a son of age 5 plus. My ex wife doesnot want him to meet with me. Even my guardian schedule is under process. I just want to know that is there any law which gives me my sons interim custody for one day atleast after every 15 days..???
my sister her three children all are canadian citizens living in faisalabad. mother wants to apply for children canadian passports in islamabad but father not signing the applications for children. how can she get custody and apply for passports. kids are boy 13, girl 12 boy 8?
If father is unemployed and ex wife file a case for maintenance of his boy who is just 8 months old what will court do as father is not earning at the moment? And can father get a meeting rights or a joint custody of his son?
Father have to pay maintenance at any cost.
I m 34 years .. my married period is 14 years …now i want sepretion due to my husband wrong attitude and tourcter .. how can i take custody of my childeren…daughter age is 12 and son ia 4 years old
Well you will have the custody of kids even after divorce or Khula
I am father of twin baby boys, aged about nine months. My wife wants khula from me i dont know why. I have fulfilled all her demands but still she wants to take khula. I m worried about my children and thier environment, because thier maternal relatives are not able to fulfill my children needs as they are in poor financial conditions.
my wife told me to pay monthly expenses of my children. but i am not satisified with her home environment and care taking of my children as she go to hospital for 8 hours a day.
please let me know can i take custody of my children in any legal way.
I left pakistan for germany to find my husband and i came to know he got remarried to a deutsche and have a daughter. I got asylum on humanitarian bases. I want to bring my kids here in germany, one is 9 and other is 12 (who are living with my mother in pakistan). In embassy they are asking for a legal divorce document or a legal document to tell who have kids custody. I don’t have any of them because we are not divorced what to do.
Me and my husband are not legally divorced but live separate. He is living in saudia and im in pakistan with my two kids. 6years old son and 9 years old daughter. My husband got married in saudia without anyone noticed. Now I want to move abroad for further education with my kids. My son needs to renew his passport which is required my husband’s documents but he didnt provide anything in this regards. Can I claim children guardianship for passport renewal as well as for visa process? Please guide..
AA walda ki death k waqat bechi ki age 40 din thi jb say ly kr 5 sal tk nani k pass this ab uska Walid zaberdasti ly gya ho to case family court may hy koi athority Jo nani ki favour may to send kry plz.
Guardian court mae case hu ga aur nani ko custody milnay kay zayda chance hein. Aik aur rasta hai ap heabus petition be file kar sakay hein.
My husband want divorce but i don’t. We have one son he is 3.5 years old.
If divorce happens and after 7 years I earn enough to ensure his future can i get his permanent custody?
I don’t have any intention to remarry but my husband have.
I’ve also finalised 15 years insurance of my son from state life insurance. Does this adds any benefit for me??
Plus it’s been 3 months that my husband is not giving single rupee for his upbringing, my brother is doing his job.
Please answer.
I don’t want divorce but if this happens i want full custody of child. How can i get that? Please guide me.
Child custody is not simple thing. No doubt mother have more right then father but keep in mind father also have the rights of child custody as well. It’s like war and no one know the results. It depends on circumstances.
I am father of two 3 and 5 year old daughters, my wife along with my daughters left home with her uncle right after verbal fight and contacting her family. Wife is at her mothers place now and she is doing job at school leaving children behind with her mother. Now, my wife and her family are unwilling to talk to me over this matter and not wanting to meet, instead my wife made allegations against me that I don’t provide and I beat/hit her. The reason of verbal fight was that my wife was cheating on me, contacting men over the phone. I have all the evidence screenshots and chat history. She has been making a plot against me for many weeks by telling negatives things about me to her coworkers, friends and family. I am insecure and I feel that my daughters are at risk due to my wifes character. What shall I do? Is it lawful for the wife to leave home with children without the permission of her husband by knowing that she has been disloyal?
I am husband. I got married 4 years ago. My wife’s family is not financially strong. Her mother also married two times and both failed. My wife’s behavior is so aggressive now a days. Almost every week she blast at me and my family. There are some issues in my family. I am trying my best to resolve those issues. I have two daughters. One is 3 years, the little one is 1 year old (no one is on mother feed). Whenever my wife starts shouting, I am afraid of losing my sweet babies. I cannot live without both of them. Everywhere I found that The wife is very strong for child custody. Is there any chance any hope that I can have my babies with me. Although I do not want any separation but my wife is taking me to that way. This is seriously stressing me. Please guide me If the law can help me.
I haven’t given divorce, my wife has only taken separation. My wife and her relatives are not allowing me to meet with my newborn child. what is the legal solution?
File child visitation suit
I am taking khula & my daughter is one month now, my husband is narc, he & his whole family are too much dangerous. Father’s meeting with child is mandatory? I wanna keep away my daughter from them b/c they have done lots of thing to abort my child. They haven’t seen my daughter yet b/c i am in my parent’s home from 6 months & i wanna never meet my daughter wd them. Kindly tell me the way
After khula father can’t visit your daughter unless court give him permission
My wife gave me a khula 4 months ago, under no specific grounds, just “irreconcilable differences”. We have 2 daughters. 9 and 4. While we have seperated and the children are with her, i am and have been very close to them and speak to them everyday. No custody has been filed but i am certainly blackmailed toward it if i dont do her bidding. Kind of like being bullied. I pay maintainence. My kids my responsibility. What are my options if she tries to get custody. I have no issues having custody or with joint custody but she certainly exhibits malafide intentions towards me which she is not realising will hurt the kids in the long run. Thanks
You should file child custody case immediately
I have done court marriage in 2016, my wife did 164 also as she came after me. The case was closed in 2017. In 2020 my wife’s father & brothers forgave her but not me. My wife used to go her home but not me. I have two daughters – 16 months old & 6 years old. The 16 months old drink artificial milk like latogrow. My wife is also mentally ill like she used to doubt me and fight with me and my family. Now since five days she ran away to her mother house with my daughters. I want my daughters back because I feel insecure because my wife’s brothers could harm my children’s. Can I have my children’s back because I can give them better growth.
Plz guide me
Thank You
Hi, I am mother of son age 12. His father never fulfilled any of the responsibility of mine or my son since last 12 years. I am doing a good job and baring all the expenses of my son since last 12 years. Now his father is sending court notices again and again for meeting. My son also doesn’t want to meet him. what should I do?
Hi im Ayesha im newly married nd im pregnant minimum 4 months. Before marriage i ws in relationships nd after marriage my relationship revelal on my husband . Now he us in Germany nd he said to me ill take my child after birth from you bcz your character was nt good nd im in doubt that u will nt take care of my child . Sir im worry about this he dnt talk to me or never cl me nd not ask for any of thing. Other side he has h extra martial affair with girl from 5 years .plz tell me can he take custudy my child if i was in relationships before marriage
Assalamualaikum Sir,My husband has given me divorce one time through WhatsApp voice note.Now there is a time period of 3 months in which I can reconcile otherwise after 3 months it will be valid.I don’t want to reconcile and want separation.I have a daughter of 2 months and before leaving my house when there was no divorce I told my husband that he can visit his daughter but now since divorce has taken place so can he meet his daughter.After divorce what about the child custody?? Should I have to file for child custody??or they could be settlement??
Assalam u Alaikum, I want to take khula from my husband as his character was suspicious and his friends were involved in all the bad things as well which he really appreciated instead of getting ashamed of. one week prior to our marriage, my husband was beaten to death almost by his school best friend and they cased a report in court against him. They told us that some thieves had beaten him but after marriage it was revealed that his friend had beaten hjm and the reason he gave me that his wife was pregnant and his friend thought he did it but it was his other friend. After that my husband used to say words like pedophile just for fun around the house making me more doubtful about my future and my unborn child as well. I have taken a decision to get separated from him as soon as I deliver the baby but I don’t want his presence in my child’s life after all such things and his behavior, character and language. I want the child visitation to be minimum or none if possible and even if he is allowed to visit then I don’t want him to take my child as I don’t trust him anymore. If he visits, I would want someone like my brother to be with the baby so that he doesn’t harm the baby with his dirty thoughts or take him/her away to his beloved friends who are involved in all bad stuff like alcohol, prostitutes, etc.
U can file khula and custody of child
Assalam u Alaikum, I want to take khula from my husband as his character was suspicious and his friends were involved in all the bad things as well which he really appreciated instead of getting ashamed of. one week prior to our marriage, my husband was beaten to death almost by his school best friend and they cased a report in court against him. They told us that some thieves had beaten him but after marriage it was revealed that his friend had beaten hjm and the reason he gave me that his wife was pregnant and his friend thought he did it but it was his other friend. After that my husband used to say words like pedophile just for fun around the house making me more doubtful about my future and my unborn child as well. I have taken a decision to get separated from him as soon as I deliver the baby but I don’t want his presence in my child’s life after all such things and his behavior, character and language. I want the child visitation to be minimum or none if possible and even if he is allowed to visit then I don’t want him to take my child as I don’t trust him anymore. If he visits, I would want someone like my brother to be with the baby so that he doesn’t harm the baby with his dirty thoughts or take him/her away to his beloved friends who are involved in all bad stuff like alcohol, prostitutes, etc. I’ve been living in my mother’s home for 6 months now and he didn’t give a penny for my expenses as we were not in contact and he had blocked me. Now I don’t want him to give me any expense as I can earn enough after delivery for the baby and myself but then I don’t want any of his involvement in my life or my innocent baby.
Contact us 03324722227
My son age is 4 years and 7 months, I want the custody of my child as i git admission in abroad for further study on full funded basis. Is court give me the child custody as son is also underage and his father is already married.
You need guardianship with permission to travel aboard from guardian court.
Assalamualaikum. My sister got khula from her abusive narcissistic husband 7 years ago. She has 2 kids aged 12 (daughter) and 10 (son) years. For the past 7 years she has been forced to live in Pakistan even when she has lived her whole life before marriage abroad. She has not been able to leave because the ex husband had confiscated the children’s passports and refuses to give them back. My question is, is it possible for her to acquire guardianship if the kids choose of their own accord to live with her?
The father is already married (got married 6 months after khula) and until a few months ago was only paying 11k child support for BOTH children even though he makes more than 400k each month. Which btw we also didnt need because the mother’s father (nana) earns well and provides them with everything they need and more.
How can she move out of the country please?
If the sons age 7.5 years want to stay with father and daughter age 10 years want to stay with mother.
The mother is pressurized by her faimly to separate but the father don’t want to separate.
Case is already in guardian court. Interim custody for 3 days with father and 4 days with mother as mother goes outstation for 3 days.
What could be the final decision particularly when the sons want to live with father and daughter want to live with mother.
I have a question
1. Court itself give the permission to meet the child at my near home place (as we told court we want to continue in court premises)
2. If the meeting is placed near my home who can pick him up (the kid father is alive but he never came to pick the child but his grand father pick him)
is it allowed anyone can pick the kid ?
In your case Only father
Hello. I file the khula case.and my 2 daughters nan nafqa case in december 2022. After some hearings the case end up on compromise. After that back in september 2023 i went to Dubai for job with my husband permission.. in between my 2 daughters(8 years and 3.5 years)was staying with my mother. I was continisily paying my daughter school fee and also send alot of money time to time to my husband because he always ask for it.when i stop sending him money in feb. In feb 2024 he took my daughters with him and give a application in the police station that my mother beats my daughter and after that in march he send me divorce. I came to pakistan and file the cuatody case. But he already file the custody case. Is there any chance that i can get the custody? As i have a job in dubai and cant stay here for long.
Yes u can pursue your case through your mother and u can get custody.
My daughter received separation deed from her husband and they both agreed to divorce.
Now they have a daughter aged 1.5 years. He insisted in the court to allow him to meet with his daughter in the court only. The court decided to allow the father to have a meeting with the minor twice a month in the court. Now it’s very difficult for my daughter to take the minor to the court every fifteen days. She wants to have the father meet with his daughter at some other convenient place. But the father is adamant to meet the child at the court only. Please guide what are the possibilities for her if she files a case for this.
if father insist to visit in court then you have to bring child in the court. If father agree to meet in Ur home or some other place than it can be done. Keep in mind it would be mutually agreed.
My cousin’s husband divorced her. She has two sons 6 years and 4 years. She file case for maintenance. Court orders 24,000 per month. Now father went out of country with his second wife. How to recover maintenance from him?