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Court Marriage, Online Nikkah, Online Marriage, Online Nikkah in Pakistan

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Court Marriage Nikah

Court Marriage is The Law Society Pakistan vision’s Modern Online Service, through which we provide Nikah facility to clients, even if they are at their home. Shadi / Nikah On Phone/Online is just like Court Marriage / Ordinary Marriage. It is valid under Shariat and Legal in all respects if it is done through Law vision. Nikah will be registered according to the Pakistan Islamic Laws.

We would like to clarify just for information of our clients that when Nikah is registered during Court Marriage even when it is done on phone or on Internet, the Nikah Nama which will be Provided by Us will be just like Nikah Nama of arranged marriage. You have only to contact us. And provide the following Documents Scanned by E-Mail or Photo Copies on Our Courier address:

ID Cards of both Sides
Photos of Both sides
Cell Numbers of both the parties
Permanent Address of the Both
Present Address of the Both
Appointment of Wakil Letter
Expenses of Nikah

After receiving Documents we will settle Date and Time of Nikah with your Consultation, at which time Our Nikah Registrar, Nikah Khawan, Our Staff Member, Bride and Groom will appear or be online on Conference Call, in which Nikah will be Held, After Nikah, Nikah Registrar will Complete all 4 Nikah Namas, all the Parties i.e. Bride, Groom and / or their Wakils, Witnesses, Nikah Registrar and Nikah Khawan will Sign the Nikah Namas and the same will be Complete, Valid and Sharie Nikah Nama of the Parties. In case any Party of Nikah is not present at the time of Nikah, we will send all the 4 Nikah Namas for Signatures of Bride or Groom by Courier.
We are the Sole Court Marriage Law Firm in Pakistan, providing Court Marriage/Nikah on line/Nikah on phone services. Hundred of Couples through out the World, mostly from Pakistan, UAE, USA, Canada, UK, Saudia Arabia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Germany, India, Kuwait, and in many more countries enjoying their Happy Family life.

Nikah over the phone

As Following are Conditions of Nikah:
1. The man woman are non-mehram.
2. The man and woman to agree to the marriage.
3. Two witnesses.
4. Mehr should be agreed upon.
Nikah can be done over the phone, it is Sharie and legal in all respects. and the ulamas in many Countries including Indonesia have also given its fatwa that Nikah over the Phone is according to Sharia In Indonesia It have done by 2 pairs of bride and bride groom. One pair the woman in Jakarta and the man in the USA and the another pair the bride in Jakarta and the bride groom in Australia. In modern world and in the era of information technology it will be easy. Even we can see the face of someone who speaks on the phone Reference.

Best way of Nikah over the phone under Islamic Law
The better and purer way to get married to the woman who lives in another country and cannot personally attend the Nikaah ceremony for any reason, would be if the woman would appoint a ‘wakeel’ or give the authority to someone to marry them. One of the main conditions of Islamic Nikaah is the offer from the groom, and the acceptance from the bride or her appointed ‘wakeel’; and the two witnesses to this contract. If the witnesses are such that they are able to recognize and identify the voice of the woman over the phone, and confirm that the woman is indeed the same whom the man has offered to marry; there is absolutely no harm if the marriage is done through the telephone. But if one does perform the Nikah offer and acceptance through the telephone, it would be deemed a perfectly legal marriage in the sight of Islam and Shariah.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.

2 thoughts on “Court Marriage, Online Nikkah, Online Marriage, Online Nikkah in Pakistan”

  1. Assalamo alaikum, i have gf from mexico she is mexican not pakistani b and we want to marry online because she cannot come. What will be the procedures? She can provide me authority letter through embassy what will be more required for online marriage? Kindly must reply me

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