A court marriage between parties one of whom at least is a citizen of Pakistan may be solemnized under the personal Family Laws of that Pakistani Citizen.
Subject to some special religious and legal formalities for the Pakistani Muslims, Christians and other religion followers, here are general criteria for court marriage with foreigners in Pakistan.

It is allowed for a foreign woman/men to marry a Pakistani woman/man in Pakistan. Although not required to change her religion if she is either a Christian or a Jew, it is recommended that he/she does if the man is a Muslim. It is recommended that a lawyer be present on wedding so that he can guarantee that all clauses of Muslim Family Laws Ordinance (below) are satisfied. A marriage certificate is known as “nikkah nama” in Pakistan. The marriage certificate also needs to be stamped by the Pakistan Foreign Office.

We provide legal services to the foreigners for documentation and registration of their marriages and further attestation of marriage documents in Pakistan.

We have included  some very useful information on the legal requirements for getting married in the Pakistan.

  • You must have a valid passport and visa, National identity card and Immigration status document.
  • You need to take proof of your name, age and nationality and a “no impediment to marriage certificate” from your home country.
  • If you have been married or in a civil partnership before, you need to take either:

· A divorce decree absolute or final order

· The death certificate of your former partner

A foreign divorce will usually be recognized in Pakistan if it was valid in the country where it took place.

The marriage registrar will check your overseas divorce documents and other documents to confirm whether your marriage can legally solemnized.

Both of you will need to have at least 2 witnesses at your marriage ceremony.

You, your partner and your 2 witnesses must sign the marriage papers and Nikkah Nama.

You will be provided registered marriage documents to prove your marital status in the future

What documents must submit a foreigner to marry a Pakistani national.

A court marriage between parties one of whom at least is a citizen of Pakistan may be solemnized under the personal Family Laws of that Pakistani Citizen.
Subject to some special religious and legal formalities for the Pakistani Muslims, Christians and other religion followers, here are general criteria for court marriage with foreigners in Pakistan.

•At least one of the parties should be Pakistani citizen.
•The bride must be 18 years of age; the bride groom must be 18 years of age,
•The parties should not within the degrees of prohibited relationship
•Each party involved should not have any other subsisting valid marriage.

•Documentary evidence of date of birth of parties.
•Copy of Passport of the foreigner with valid Visa.
•Residential Proof of both the parties.
•Death certificate or divorce decree whichever is applicable, in case one of the parties had any marriages in the past.

Note : Certificate of  No Impediment to Marriage  is not important if foreigner have valid divorced decree or death certificate of spouse notarized or attested by official department,




3 thoughts on “Foreigner Marry with Pakistani”

  1. Hy how are you I want to marry with Pakistan boy in Pakistan kindly tell me what documents I will be bringing nd the Pakistani boy also need what documents for marry thanks you

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